to the GRIMMWELT Kassel press section
For your editorial reporting, you will find here current press information and press photos about our museum, the permanent and special exhibitions, our projects and events.
The use of all media-relevant information is free of charge for reporting purposes.
Please use the images only with full details of the image titles, the names of the artists and/or authors and with reference to ©GRIMMWELT, Kassel.
If you have any questions or interview requests or require additional material, please contact us personally. We look forward to working with you and thank you for your interest in GRIMMWELT Kassel.
Katja Blum
Press | Public Relations | Marketing
+49 561 59861913
Welcome to the world of the Brothers Grimm.
Here you will find general texts and pictures about GRIMMWELT Kassel and our permanent exhibition.
© GRIMMWELT Kassel | Foto: Nikolaus Frank
Overview of the latest press releases:
Would you like to make your own photo | film | audio recordings in or on the grounds of GRIMMWELT Kassel for non-commercial, editorial purposes? Then simply fill out the application form below and send it to us by e-mail to
Photo | film | audio recordings for commercial purposes must always be registered and approved in advance and usually take place outside opening hours. Please understand that we cannot allow every type of photo and film request.
You are welcome to make your own photo | film | audio recordings for private purposes in or on the grounds of GRIMMWELT Kassel. Additional light, flash, tripods or selfie sticks are not permitted in the exhibition areas. Please note that the image rights to works of art are not owned by GRIMMWELT. The publication of photographs on the Internet and in social media does not constitute private use and may infringe copyrights.
Please also note our information and conditions for photo and film recordings.
We would be happy to inform you personally about news on our exhibitions and events and add you to our press mailing list.
Please send us an e-mail with your contact details:
Your personal data will be treated confidentially in accordance with data protection guidelines and will not be passed on to third parties.
You have the right to revoke your consent at any time.